Flexing, flexing, flexing.
It’s all I see on my timeline.
I don’t mean to sound cynical, but a lot of creators seem like whores in the fucking red-light district, desperately shaking their asses (I mean their income) to get some poor soul to pay them for a quick blowjob.
I mean coaching program.
Well, that’s what it seems like at least.
Anyhow, I’m telling you about this because I think the creator economy is in trouble.
The space is getting more and more competitive.
I recently talked to a creator whose mom is joining in on the fun haha.
Despite what you might think…
This is NOT good news for us.
Your competition is getting more fierce every day.
And that leads (some) creators to, well… act like whores.
I don’t judge them.
But it leads to ONE specific problem.
A problem that NOBODY on X talks about.
A problem that all these guruzzz (even the gurus making fun of gurus) want to hide from you.
In fact…
I think this is what’s going to lead A LOT of creators QUITTING.
And then return to their dull, uninspiring routines… thinking they’re just “not cut out” for being a creator.
It’s a disease.
A disease that every creator has suffered from. Is suffering from RIGHT NOW.
What am I talking about?
How many times have you been there?
You try to engage on X…
And then see ANOTHER creator flexing about their first $10k month.
Or about how they went viral.
You see the post…
You engage with it saying: “Man, so happy for you!”
But in reality…
You just feel like a horrible failure.
Probably more times than you can count.
I’m fed up with this BS.
Not because it makes me feel like shit…
But because it leads creators with TONS of potential to quit.
Creators that would have made an impact.
But now…
They just return to working in the shadows and saying “fuck you” to the creator economy.
Thinking it’s all a massive pyramid scheme.
It feels like that sometimes.
It feels like everywhere you look, it’s just another headless chicken flexing about their wins (because that’s how it’s supposed to be, right?).
But it’s not the entire truth.
The creator economy is a MASSIVE chance for EVERYONE to attain freedom.
It doesn’t have to be another brutal red ocean where the small fish get eaten by the sharks.
Because the pond is HUGE.
More than HALF of humanity uses social media.
Which means there are 5 BILLION potential customers.
But we have to shield ourselves.
Shield ourselves from this deadly disease KILLING creators on the daily.
Because if you constantly compare yourself to others… you’ll convince yourself that you’re just an insignificant piece of shit.
But it’s bullshit.
You are NOT insignificant, nor are you a piece of shit.
You are your own human being that’s on their OWN journey. Who the fuck cares if others are winning or losing? You do what you can to help them AND yourself.
That’s what the creator economy is about.
Helping yourself by helping others.
So whenever you feel like a stinking hot pile of garbage because you see “everyone” doing better than you…
Remind yourself…
You are on your OWN journey.
Comparison and false expectations have killed more dreams than any 9-5 or laziness ever has.
Don’t be the next one to crumble.
Talk soon,
Tim <3
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