I might embarrass myself here… but oh well

written by:
June 26, 2024

I want you to take a close look at this paragraph.

I know it’s hard to read. But please hang in there and read it:

“Sleep. Sleep is the foundation of everything else we will discuss later in this article. It marks the most important period for our recovery and rejuvenation. Without it, all the other tools mentioned in this article will only have half the power.”

This, ladies and gentlemen, is an excerpt from the FIRST EVER article I wrote.

It was about sleep.

Written on the 1st of October 2023.

And it’s what pushed me down the slippery slope & endless black hole of becoming a digital writer on the interwebs.

I get teary-eyed thinking about it.

Good ol’ times.

But as you can see… 

My writing was fucking DOGSHIT!

Like bruhhhh. I cringe so hard when I read this.

“It mArKs tHe moSt ImPorTaNt TiMe…” 🤖

I remember the EXACT state of mind I was in when I wrote this banger of an article:

Impress my high school English teacher.


To give myself credit: I intuitively understood the concept of writing to just ONE person.

I had my rusty ole English teacher in mind when writing this.

What I didn’t understand?

The internet isn’t school.

The writing they teach you at school…

It’s garbage.

It doesn’t work in real life and on the internet.

If you write like you did in high school… you’ll stay a broke loser forever.

You’ll wonder why you can’t attract a loyal audience. Why nobody wants to listen to you. Why nobody even considers paying for your services. And you’ll question why on earth you even started.

And that almost happened to me.

Luckily… I’m a quick learner.

And I swiftly figured out that the best writing happens when you:

Write like you talk.

You see, I didn’t even know half of the words I used in that sleep article before I googled their meaning.

I would NEVER use those words in my speech.

Whereas now…

I write EXACTLY like how I speak.

Fun (and sad) fact: I recently fed my writing into the Hemingway editor and my writing level was grade 1 (bruhhh). I write like a fucking 1st grader haha.

Okay, you’ve probably heard this a dozen times at this point. Write like you talk.

And I fully agree with that.


When you’re selling to a different crowd.

Suppose I was selling knitting products to 80+ y/o grandmas.

If I wrote like I talked… they’d probably get a heart attack.

Poor Dorothy would have to be escorted faster than a Chinese factory worker who told his friend that Xi Jinping looks like Winnie Poo which decreased his social credit score by 10%.

So it’s all about knowing your target audience.

If I tried to attract rusty ole academics, my article would have been half decent actually.

But that’s not the people I want to hang out with.

Far from it.

I want to attract like-minded motherfuckers who are tryna make some cash online to put up a MASSIVE middle finger to the rat race & the traditional labor market.

And a lot of these crazy mofo’s resonate with this no-BS, cut-the-crap style.

So here’s a simple rule you can follow:

  • When building your personal brand: Write like you talk
  • When selling a separate product: Write like they talk

I’ll leave you with that.

Talk soon,

Tim <3

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