I’ve made over $9,000 from 1 single offer in the past 4 months.
All I did was create it once and put it out there over & over again (and charge more each time hehe).
But today…
I’m spilling the beans and breaking down exactly how I created this offer.
And how YOU can create your own “grand-slam offer.”
Because let’s establish this:
Without an outstanding offer, your business will… not work.
But I know… creating an offer is easier said than done.
There’s tons of conflicting advice.
“Add a guarantee!”
“Don’t add a guarantee!”
“Offer coaching! Offer DFY!”
It’s plain-out confusing.
So let me cut the crap and give you my EXACT 5-step blueprint for creating an offer that WILL make you $1000s.
(This is not just any ole blog post btw. This is a playbook. And I want you to treat it as such. Act like you’ve just paid $9k+ to get this and take action IMMEDIATELY. That is if… you want to see results).
What even is an offer?
This is where lots of people fuck up already.
They think an offer is something they do for (or give to) other people.
This is WRONG!
An offer is a desirable transformation with a CLEAR and QUANTIFIABLE outcome.
That’s it.
A transformation.
But how do you create a transformation like this?
Well… it all comes down to 5 components (and 5 components ONLY):
That’s literally it.
Everything else is fluff.
So let’s go over each of these components 1 by 1 so you can finally craft an irresistible offer that cuts through the market like a hot knife through butter.
Component #1: Specific Promise
This is the bread and butter of your offer.
Without a clear & specific outcome/promise, there is no transformation.
You need to give your prospect a desirable outcome they can DROOL over.
This means:
Emphasis: ONE!!!
Any more will simply confuse the customer.
Let’s take a look at a (bad) example:
“I’ll increase your revenue and explode your audience growth!”
Pretty sucky, eh?
Here’s a better example:
“I’ll increase your coaching business’ MRR by 30% in the next 30 days.”
Ahhh much better.
Can you spot each of the components?
Component #2: Unique Mechanism
Once you’ve nailed down the end point of your transformation, you need to nail down the path to getting there.
By creating a UNIQUE way of delivering results.
See, there are THOUSANDS of people offering the same thing as you…
So you need to find ways to separate yourself from the pack.
Saying: “I will ghostwrite your tweets,” isn’t all that unique, innit?
What’s the solution?
Well… 2 things:
1) Gather experience and sell your expertise
Obviously, this is easier said than done.
But if you have above-average experience in your field, you can use that to stand out.
(Because let’s face it: your competition consists of countless 16-year-old newbies, who’ve spent the last half-year binge-watching Iman Gadzhi videos - but know NOTHING about their craft).
So, if you have:
Use that to stand out.
2) Create an enemy
What do I mean by this?
Well, as I said, your competition sucks.
And YOU can use that to your advantage!
This is how I created the “cut the crap” movement.
I realized how much BS other creators were spurting out. Advice that wasn’t helpful in any way.
I had enough of that.
So I made it my mission to remove all the BS and give my audience what actually works (and has been proven to work).
And my unique mechanism was born.
Your job is to be better than your competition and absolutely BASH them for it in your copy. Then, introduce your prospect to your NEW (and better) way.
Component #3: Pricing/Terms
There’s a common misconception.
Cheaper prices = easier to sell.
This is bollocks!
Depending on who you’re selling to… it might actually be the other way around.
Let me explain:
If you walked up to a Fortune 500 company and asked them for $500 to write all of their tweets, they’d probably laugh at you & spit you in the face.
Walk up to them and ask for $50,000… they’d still spit you in the face, but probably less violently.
They are used to being charged a lot.
And they see high prices as a sign of authority and expertise.
Low prices ring the alarm bells with them: this fucker doesn’t know what he’s doing.
And established businesses only want the best of the best. Why would they settle for cheap but subpar? They have the money.
That’s why I’m a big fan of B2B.
So much more money (and honestly… easier to sell).
Let’s talk about pricing.
This will vary wildly depending on your promise & unique mechanism.
I usually recommend 1 of 2 things:
Scenario 1: You already have experience
In that case, I recommend charging the industry standard + whatever you think your unique mechanism is worth.
Scenario 2: You have no experience
Pay-on-results pricing is your best bet here.
This removes risk from the client AND from yourself.
Aim for about 20% of the results you get them.
I’ve found that a 4-5x ROI works the best.
Component #4: Risk Reversal
You’ve been waiting for this, eh?
If you don’t have a track record, you MUST install a risk-reversal.
Even if you do… it’s better to have one (I still have one despite having made my clients $4k+ in the last 30 days).
But what type of guarantee should you choose?
Let me tell you which ones you should NOT choose:
These 2 guarantees are absolute dogshit.
Firstly, as a client, they’re WAY too risky. Secondly, if you end up picking a bad client, you’re stuck with them (potentially) forever. You can’t cut ties with them.
Let me give you some better options:
The classic money-back and pay-on-results.
These are SOOO much better.
Pro-tip for coaching programs: Add a satisfaction-based guarantee. “Not 100% satisfied after 30 days? You’ll get a full refund immediately - no questions asked.”
Component #5: Scarcity & Urgency
You need to give people a reason to act NOW.
Right fucking now.
You need to JOLT them out of their passive, lazy state of mind.
Good ole scarcity and urgency.
The best ways to add urgency to your offer are these:
You add scarcity to your offer by:
This is a non-negotiable.
It allows you to charge higher prices, gives them an incentive to act now, and most importantly, allows you to deliver better results (because you have more time for each client).
Let’s all take a deeeeep breath together.
This was a lot to process.
And there’s so much more I want to cover.
But I think that would blow the frame here…
Stay tuned for future blog posts where we’ll discuss all this.
Tim <3
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